A key component of any resilient community is the ability to identify and cultivate inherent talents found locally toward job creation, industry diversification and meaningfull employment. 

Systematically tapping entrepreneurial inspiration, initiative and commitment is vital to remaining competitive in a global marketplace—these same attributes apply to small businesses serving local communities. 

SCC provides access to technologies and strategies more familiar in high-tech and high-finance hubs, providing the SCF with the tools needed to help prepare anyone for the rigors of entrepreneurship and careers of the 21st Century.

EntrePR™: an Advanced Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Harnessing indigenous creativity, initiative and commitment is vital to competitiveness in and resilience in the global marketplace.

A key component of any resilient community is the ability to identify and cultivate inherent talents found locally toward job creation, industry diversification and meaningfull employment.

Our partnership with COventures lends us access to several leading technologies and strategies found primarily in high-tech and high-finance hubs. Access to such resources grants NCG the unique ability to help prepare anyone for the rigors of entrepreneurship, and in the process, familiarize them with the gig economy while also qualifying them for hungry employers dissatisfied with outdated recruitment methodologies. 

Companies use COventures platforms to challenge and recruit ideal employees, helping avoid costly mis-hires. Our EntrePR™ program offers tools and processes providing any entrepreneur, organization, company or municipality leading technologies and strategies aimed at actualizing latent talent, regionally — retention is a vital ingredient in resilient communities. The program provides for more accessible entrepreneurial resources, relevant and scalable through open source innovation and social engagement, automated and intuitive via machine learning.

Developed by NCG Managing Director Scott McIntyre, EntrePR utilizes a  3-stage process guiding aspiring entrepreneurs  “From Concept to Capital” virtually or physically through venture development processes designed for prescribed outcomes, whether for social impact projects, corporate innovation challenges, or just an aspiring entrepreneur’s really big idea.

COventures technology and strategies allows anyone to participate in the innovation economy, actually adding revenue to host organizations like universities, incubators, accelerators, community co-working spaces, and corporate innovation centers, while remaining negligible- to no-cost for entrepreneurs to employ world class resources otherwise out of reach.


COventures was created because limited or simply obscured resources (human, intellectual, capital) will inhibit even the most promising ideas.

COventures technologies and processes are able to accelerate even the smallest projects from “what if” to “when”, helping capture fleeting inspiration and driving critical economic development outcomes..

COventures provides entrepreneurs, organizations and communities transformative technologies and economic development strategies that fuel sustainable innovation communities.


Finding Genius roadmaps lead innovators through proven processes turn-by-turn—like a GPS for venture development. Users are required to seek and employ real-time critique from mentors and advisors at each turn, helping validate assumptions or encourage pivots before going too far down a wrong path.

Mentors, advisors, freelancers and consultants stock the Finding Genius Marketplace providing entrepreneurs with legal, accounting and other critical development assistance—seamlessly qualifying startups for pre-aligned follow-on development assistance and funding from the Crowd or any number of angels, grants or programs inside or outside the Finding Genius Marketplace.


We provide CoWorking facilities, Venture Development Organizations and Corporations with a platform that engages and actualizes their communities while generating revenue without taxing infrastructure or resources.

Our programs are critical components of a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem enabling partners to better serve local education, economic development and industry partners in an integrated approach.

Through Innovation Challenges, growing companies outsource R&D, offer internships/apprenticeships, and qualify hires with full transparency of the soft-skills sorely lacking on resumes alone.

To discuss the many ways COventures works to fortify local economies, please email Managing Director Scott McIntyre here and he will be in touch.