SCF Nigeria Donations and Currency Purchases

There are two ways you can support this effort financially, donations and currency purchases.

  1. Donations: this fits the model that most people are familiar with that entails making a one time or ongoing financial contribution to some effort the donor is interested in supporting. Go to the Why Donate section for this option.
  2. Purchase the Currency: This option allows you to give money but get money in return, only in the form of an alternative currency. See the Purchase the Currency section below for a more in-depth explanation.

Why Donate?

We realize you have many worthy organizations that you can support. So why donate to Sustainable Communities Corporation (SCC) and our SCF Nigerian program? The answer lies at the heart of our Sustainable Communities Framework (SCF) program and the multiplier effect your donations will have.

SCF is based on the concept that we can issue our own money (called a complementary currency). And we have no limit on the amount of money that we can issue. In fact, once our program is established in a region, it can easily become nearly 100% self financing. Nonetheless, to get off the ground and grow more quickly, we can greatly benefit from donated funds (in just about any national currency).

We will multiply those funds many times. And while it’s hard to estimate, a projection of more than 100 to 1 is not unreasonable.  And since our constituencies include thousands of not-for-profit organizations (non-profits and governments) you will be directly assisting a large number of organizations with each donation. 

Please note* SCC is a 501(c)(4) tax exempt non-profit. Donations directly to SCC are not tax deductible to US citizens. If you need your donation to be tax deductible with the IRS, please select the IRS option below and choose your donation type. If you need your donation to be tax deductible with the IRS, please select the IRS option below and choose your donation type. Those donations will go to our companion non-profit corporation, SCC Financial Corporation. Please note* SCC Financial Corporation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit. Donations directly to SCC Financial Corporation are tax deductible to US citizens.

Choose your preferred method below to donate to the SCF Nigeria program.


Purchase the Currency

Have you heard the expression “You can’t have your cake and eat it too“? That proverb literally means “you cannot simultaneously retain possession of a cake and eat it, too”. Once the cake is eaten, it is gone. Once you donate money, it is gone from your possession. However, not so with this option!

If you purchase a complementary currency from SCC, you receive an alternate currency (from your state) in an amount equal to the dollars you spend purchasing it, that you can spend on the online marketplace or anywhere else it is accepted in your state. It turn, SCC takes in those dollars to use just like it does donor dollars.

If you already have an account on UNIEX bank, login in and purchase whatever amount of currency you want from inside your account page. If you are not already a member of the bank, please go to this sign up page and select the type of account that fits you, enter in your account details and once your account is setup you will be able to purchase your state currency.

Special Note to Non-profit Organizations

The idea presented above has particular relevance to our non-profit members. They can use this method as an alternative way to raise money, in contrast to the traditional donor model. We detail this approach in this document prepared for non-profits titled Alternative Philanthropy.