In the United States and around the world, families, communities, countries and the global ecosystem are plagued by a lack of funds.

But that isn’t because there is insufficient money in circulation. In fact, there is plenty of money to address virtually every problem. It’s how money is controlled and distributed that actually creates scarcity amid abundance.

The current financial ecosystem was designed almost 300 years ago to favor the wealthy. And the only way to fundamentally change that is for the rest of society to establish a parallel source of money, controlled by them and not the wealthy.

See this 4-minute video to understand how the current financial ecosystem was designed from its inception to favor the wealthy and how the introduction of a “peoples’ currency” offers a solution. This 3-part article goes into greater detail: Money – It’s Not What Most of Us Think.

Such a peoples’ currency goes by many names: local currency, community and alternative currency, private money or more commonly complementary currency. Its use can be traced back to ancient Egypt. However, its application during certain times and places in history has produced dramatically positive impacts, sometimes yielding widespread wealth that equaled or exceeded some of the most successful broad-based economies today. This document, Complementary Currencies In Use documents some of the more significant examples.

SCC identified the key elements that made the implementation of those complementary currencies so successful and incorporated those into the Sustainable Communities Framework. Technology now provides the tools to deploy complementary currencies in digital form in an unprecedented manner.

That is what lies at the heart of our Complementary Currency Bank, the entity that will issue each state-based currency, and provide the banking system, allowing participants to establish and maintain a digital complementary currency bank account. That bank is called Universal Exchange or UNIEX (found at https://uniex.net.) 



This is where prospective users will  establish their complementary currency account. UNIEX will issue all the state currencies and be responsible for managing the currency in each state.

Development Bank

The Development/Green Bank will issue grants and low-cost loans to improve the economic conditions of impoverished or developing areas, fund energy and energy-related projects, and purchase and rehabilitate distressed assets and blighted properties.

Public Benefit Bank

The Public Benefit Bank will provide retail banking to individuals, small businesses and non-profit organizations to complement the development/green bank and the complementary currency bank.


This “Imagine” document lists 12 examples of what might be addressed, and this “Introduction” document provides a quick overview of the SCF program, along with a reading list that provides much more detail. This “Launching” document provides an overview of the launching of the SCF program in any particular state.

One of the first things that can be done is for the Development/Green Bank to purchase troubled assets like housing, credit card, student and business debt, bank seized properties and a wide spectrum of blighted properties as detailed in the document Troubled Asset Acquisition Program

We have dedicated programs for non-profit organizations as described in this “NFP” document, small businesses as described in this “Small Business” document, and programs aimed at college students as described in this “college students” document. The extent of additional possibilities are left to the creativity and imagination of the State Partners.