Binocular Walk
Friday, 23 February 2018 
5:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. 
Fiscalini Ranch, Lodge Hill bluff top trail entrance

Beautify Cambria wishes to remind residents and visitors that the views above are just as spectacular as the views around us, and to maintain those vistas, we promote minimal light pollution in Cambria, working with residents, elected officials and others to advocate for smart outdoor lighting that minimizes harm to people and wildlife. The binocular walk is part of our Dark Skies initiative. 

The walk starts at dusk to watch the sunset. Participants will then train their binoculars onto the ranch to learn about and observe the night creatures. Finally, in the light of a waxing crescent moon, we will learn more about the night sky.

Bee Faire 
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Noon to 4 p.m.
Cambria Historical Museum gardens, Center St. and Burton Drive

To help bring attention to the plight of bees and other pollinators, Beautify Cambria hosts an annual Bee Faire with support from the Cambria Historical Society. Bee-related products are available for purchase, speakers inform on topics including backyard beekeeping, gardening for bees, humane hive removal and more, a spectacular photo exhibit reveals the beauty of bees in stunning detail, and there are plenty of opportunities for hands-on fun including beeswax candle making. The Buzzy Pets parade wraps up the Faire, and if you’ve never seen an Old English Sheepdog in a bee costume, then isn’t it about time? 

Meteor Shower Party
Sunday, 12 August 2018
8 p.m. to midnight.
Cambria Middle School, 2850 Schoolhouse Lane

It’s the biggest and best shower party of the year – the Perseid meteor shower! This year conditions are just right. A thin crescent moon sets just after sunset assuring a dark sky for optimum meteor viewing.

Bring a folding chair, binoculars and some warm clothes. We will provide guided tours of the night sky and telescopes for planetary viewing, as well as hot chocolate, apple cider and meteor-observing snacks. Sorry, school policy does not allow doggies. But children are welcome!

Squibbing Day
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Noon to 3 p.m. 
Cambria Historical Museum gardens, Center and Burton

Squibbing Day is Cambria’s Fall cleanup day, named for Paul and Louise Squibb, owners of the historic Squibb House. When out walking, the Squibbs picked up any trash that detracted from Cambria’s attractive ambience. They did this so frequently that they became well known for tidying up the town. Others often joined them, and picking up trash while strolling around Cambria became known as Squibbing. Eventually, SLO County Supervisors designated May 1 as the town’s official Squibbing Day. Beautify Cambria has resurrected this tradition.

Pick up your collection bag, gloves and other equipment at Cambria Historical Museum gardens. Come any time between noon and 3 p.m. Free cookies and lemonade fuel hardworking Squibbers!

An Evening with the Stars
Saturday, 6 October 2018
6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location TBD

Beautify Cambria teams up with the Central Coast Astronomical Society to raise awareness of the importance of dark skies. We spend an evening discovering the planets, stars, galaxies, nebulae and other wonders of the night sky. Powerful telescopes allow everyone to get an up close view of the heavens. A CCAS speaker explains what we’re looking at, while food and celestial music round out the evening. A few lucky winners go home with star-related item donated by Cambria merchants.